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Kinesiology tape stabilises the injured area by lightly adhering to the skin and applying pressure to the tissues the tape is wrapped around. This tape allows the connective tissue surrounding the affected muscle or tendon to move along with the body.


Who Can Be Helped by Kinesiology Taping?


Any soft-tissue injury or pain can benefit from kinesiology taping – everyone from a young athlete with overused or injured muscles to an elderly person with a degenerative joint disease.

Kinesiology taping can help:

  • Those whose professions involve hard physical labor and repetitive movements (construction workers, factory workers, gardeners, mechanics, miners, secretaries, etc.)

  • People who sit and work at a desk for long periods every day, or who have sedentary lifestyles.

  • Athletes and other physically active people, including cyclists, golfers, joggers, and other exercise enthusiasts or those involved in sports.

  • People who suffer the after-effects of bad posture, poor sleeping habits, etc.

  • Joint pain sufferers.

  • People suffering from joint, muscle, or tendon injuries of any kind, whether due to disease or accidents.


Benefits of using Kinesiology tape:

  1. Decreased Pain

  2. Increased Circulation and Decreased Inflammation

  3. Improved Posture and Muscle Support

  4. Improved Athletic Performance


Contact: for more information on how to book this treatment

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